Digital transformation for good – Arla’s inclusive communication platform for change

  • 05/12/2024
  • 09:30 to 12:00
  • Microsoft Teams
Om netværksmødet

Hør indlæg på engelsk fra Digital Change Lead hos Arla Foods på dette netværksmøde.

The presentation will focus on Arla’s unique internal communication universe, “Digital Transformation for Good”, that serves as an inclusive, purposeful, global communication platform for change supporting Arla’s strategy FUTURE26.

Since the beginning of 2023, it has been actively used to help identify and connect messages, stories, and initiatives that drive change. It also helped drive adoption of the new GenAI productivity tools such as Copilot for Microsoft 365 or ArlaGPT – the company’s own, secure language model.

You will hear about:

  • How does Arla’s “Digital Transformation for Good” platform align with the company’s FUTURE26 strategy?
  • What methods does the platform use to identify and connect impactful messages, stories, and initiatives?
  • How has the adoption of GenAI productivity tools like Copilot for Microsoft 365 and ArlaGPT enhanced communication and productivity within Arla?
  • What are some practical strategies presented in the session that can be applied to other digital transformation journeys?

Vi skal også dele viden om medlemmernes arbejde med forandringsledelse herunder input til aktuelle udfordringer.


09.30 Velkomst, deltagerpræsentation og videndeling
10.15 Pause
10.30 Tema: Arla’s inclusive communication platform for change
11.30 Videndeling fortsat
12.00 Tak for i dag og på gensyn

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