Governance for intranets, digital workplaces and beyond

- 06/11/2024
- 09:30 to 12:00
- Microsoft Teams
Om netværksmødet
Managing an intranet or digital workplace can present many problems, from keeping content up to date to multiplying intranet sites. Governance is the solution.
Successful governance relies on everyone’s engagement, resulting in win-win outcomes. When governance puts people at the centre of decisions and processes, it doesn’t just mitigate problems, it provides great solutions for people and the business. Governance is the result of consensus, and James Robertson will share how to create an effective and sustainable governance model.
Topics covered:
- Best practice governance for modern intranets
- Product-centric approach to digital workplace governance
- Emerging approaches for DEX governance
James Robertson holds this session from Step Two. James is a global thought leader on digital employee experience, digital workplaces and intranets.
Furthermore, we will share knowledge about DEX among the participants.
09.30 Welcome to the meeting
09.45 Short presentation of each member and input for current challenges
10.30 Break
10.45 Session: Governance for intranets, digital workplaces and beyond
11.45 Networking and knowledge sharing among the participants
12.00 Thank you, and see you next time
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