Webinar: Findings from the world’s largest benchmarking study of Microsoft Teams

  • 04/05/2020
  • 11:00 to 12:00
  • Online via GoToMeeting
Webinar: Findings from the world's largest benchmarking study of Microsoft Teams

SWOOP Analytics presents the findings from the world’s largest benchmarking study of Microsoft Teams, in this webinar about their 2020 Global Microsoft Teams Benchmarking Report.

Based on analysing the behaviors of 47,000 people’s interactions in 5,300 Teams, SWOOP’s CEO Cai Kjaer will take you through this benchmarking study of Microsoft Teams and the key findings that will accelerate the time it will take your team to get the most business value from Microsoft Teams.

He will also share what SWOOP’s panel of Microsoft Teams implementation partners have identified as ‘worst practice’ this leaving you with a clear path forward of what to do and what NOT to do.

During this 45 minute interactive webinar you’ll hear about:

– The ideal size of a Team
– The ideal number of channels
– The split of public and private teams and the impact this has
– Which apps are making Microsoft Teams an integrated hub for teamwork
– The clear and compelling evidence for the segmentation of Teams and Yammer
– How to measure team collaboration and determining which team persona is right for your team”

Tegning af webinarmedlemskab

Dette webinar er en del af vores webinarmedlemskab, som giver dig adgang til mindst seks webinars om året relateret til intern kommunikation, intranettet, den digitale arbejdsplads herunder Office 365, SharePoint, Change Management, Knowledge Management og meget andet. Du får et værdifuldt indblik i forskellige cases eller ekspertpræsentationer; både danske og internationale.

Prisen er kr. 2.980 ex. moms pr. person pr. år.

Ønsker du at tegne et medlemskab, så send en mail til info@IntraTeam.dk.


Vores webinar-medlemmer arbejder med den digitale arbejdsplads, og kommer fra flere af Danmarks største organisationer og virksomheder. Har du et netværksgruppemedlemskab, så får du et gratis webinar medlemskab med oveni.

OBS: Konsulenter og systemleverandører har ikke adgang til at blive medlem.

2020-5-412:002020-5-412:00Europe/London Webinar: Findings from the world’s largest benchmarking study of Microsoft Teams Online via GoToMeeting
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