Webinar: Beyond ADKAR: What does it take to make change real?

  • 27/02/2023
  • 14:30 to 15:30
  • Microsoft Teams

Most people working with the digital workplace have come across ADKAR at some point, but what does it take to truly drive change in the way that people work? We talk about digital employee experience, and as seen from the change manager’s chair, the keyword here is “experience”. Therefore, we need to ensure that we give our colleagues the best impression of what it means to work digitally and how to make the most of the capabilities which we make available to them.

Change management is an organic discipline, and there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” when it comes to change – but all methods agree around the same basic principles. In this session we will go through the principles seen through the ADKAR lens.

Martin Risgaard Rasmussen is change management lead in Danfoss Global IT focusing on raising awareness and competencies around change in the 1200-people strong IT organization. In addition to this, Martin has certified more than 200 people in Prosci’s methodology since 2019 in his role as Prosci Certified Advanced Instructor.

In this session he will cover questions like:

  • ADKAR – what does the journey really look like in the digital workplace?
  • How to talk about change management when people don’t like to talk about change?
  • Agile change management – does that exist?
  • How much change management do I need for my project?

We will also have plenty of time to ask questions and share observations, experiences, etc.

Webinar med Martin Risgaard Rasmussen, change management lead hos Danfoss Global IT

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