Webinar: Culture and platforms for knowledge sharing – that works!

  • 21/10/2019
  • 15:00 to 16:00
  • Online webinar
Culture not only eats strategy for breakfast

Culture not only eats strategy for breakfast, as Peter F Drucker’s famous quote says, but it also eats technology for breakfast. This is why you need to work hard with the culture when you introduce new technology aimed at increasing knowledge sharing. If you do this thoughtfully and with perseverance, they can leverage each other. Oscar Berg will share his experiences from such cases that he has worked with recent years.

About Oscar Berg
Oscar is an independent consultant helping organizations design and implement smarter ways of working using digital technology, creating empowering digital employee experiences. He can be hired as a strategic advisor and digital change leader.


He has written two books:

”Superpowering People – Designing the Collaborative Digital Organization”. The book introduces you to the future of business and work, and how to design a collaborative digital organization using social technology that will superpower people and make the organization thrive in this new business environment.

”Digital Workplace Strategy & Design”. The book introduces you to a proven, agile and design thinking-based process and methodology for strategic development of the digital employee experience and the digital workplace. A lot of organizations across all industries and sectors have adopted this process and methodology.

As an internationally recognized expert on digitalization, digital collaboration and the future of work Oscar is frequently hired as keynote speaker at both public and inhouse conferences and events.

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Dette webinar er en del af vores webinarmedlemskab, som giver dig adgang til mindst seks webinars om året relateret til intern kommunikation, intranettet, den digitale arbejdsplads herunder Office 365, SharePoint, Change Management, Knowledge Management og meget andet. Du får et værdifuldt indblik i forskellige cases eller ekspertpræsentationer; både danske og internationale.

2019-10-2116:002019-10-2116:00Europe/London Webinar: Culture and platforms for knowledge sharing – that works! Online webinar
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