Webinar/temamøde: Post-Microsoft Ignite online gathering

  • 25/11/2024
  • 14:00 to 15:30
  • Microsoft Teams

We invite all our members to an exclusive online gathering following Microsoft Ignite.

This is an opportunity to come together, share our experiences, and discuss our expectations for all the new announcements and innovations unveiled at Microsoft Ignite. Whether you attended in person, virtually or not, your insights and perspectives are welcome. Do not miss out on this chance to engage with fellow members and deeply dive into the latest from Microsoft Ignite.

Deltagelse af ikke-medlemmer

Som ikke-medlem er du velkommen til at deltage i vores interaktive online temamøder mod separat betaling. Prisen for deltagelse i online temamødet er kr. 280 ex. moms. OBS. Konsulenter og systemleverandører må ikke deltage.

Tilmeld dig via formularen nedenfor eller til Info@IntraTeam.dk, og vi kontakter dig med mere information.