Webinar/temamøde: The exploding material footprint of AI

- 27/01/2025
- 14:00 to 15:30
- Microsoft Teams
The negative impact of AI on the environment is already enormous. A typical AI search can consume 10-times the energy as a standard search. Microsoft wants to re-open the Three Mile Island nuclear power station to meet part of that demand. We are literally talking about AI consuming more energy that entire countries. Meanwhile, water use is also exploding, and e-waste is soaring. For what?
Key takeaways:
- Pause and give thought before jumping on yet one more tech bandwagon
- Think about the true and total cost of AI to the environment
- Start putting our environment first, not short-term technology goals
Session by Gerry McGovern.
Developer of Top Tasks and author of World Wide Waste: How digital is killing the planet and what to do about it.
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