Webinar/temamøde: Viva Connections first world: An employee app for frontline workers

  • 30/09/2024
  • 14:00 to 15:30
  • Microsoft Teams

Join us for an insightful session on how communication teams can leverage Microsoft Viva Connections as their go-to employee app. Discover how to seamlessly deliver corporate communications, intranet content, documents, videos, and events directly to frontline workers.

Learn an implementation pattern to ensure your frontline workforce stays informed, engaged, and connected.

Enhance your employee communication and experience with Viva Connections!

Key take-aways:

  • Understanding Viva Connections: Comprehensive overview of Viva Connections’ capabilities for frontline workers.
  • Seamless Communication: Effective use of Viva Connections for delivering corporate communications.
  • Integrated Content Delivery: Integration and sharing of intranet content, documents, videos, and events.

Session by Jarbas Horst, Senior Product Manager at Fresh Intranet. 

As a Senior Product Manager at Advania, Jarbas helps define the product strategy for their intranet-in-a-box solution, Fresh Intranet, for Microsoft 365.

Working closely with commercial and technical roles, Jarbas supports the further development and growth of the product business across sales, marketing, partnership, and delivery teams of the Advania Group organizations.

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