Webinar/temamøde: Why we said goodbye to bells and whistles and hello to SharePoint Out of the Box intranet

  • 18/11/2024
  • 14:00 to 15:30
  • Microsoft Teams

Discover how Syngenta has streamlined its digital workspace by adopting a simplified, no-customization SharePoint model.  

This approach eliminates lengthy approval processes and reduces centralized control, fostering a self-sustaining environment where content delivery is automated and intuitive.  

To support adoption and enhance understanding, we’ve implemented a dedicated training program for all digital tools, integrating seamlessly with our daily operations.  

Our system ensures that the right information reaches the right people at the right time, maintaining stability and leveraging SharePoint’s robust capabilities. Join us to see how simplicity and strategic training enhance both functionality and user satisfaction. 

Key takeaways:

  • Prioritize Content Over Customization: Focus on delivering exceptional content and strategically integrate additional tools to enhance value continuously. 
  • Empower Users: Foster autonomy by trusting your audience and enabling your editors to manage content effectively. 
  • User-Centric Design: Tailor your platform with a clear purpose in mind, ensuring it meets the specific needs of your end-users. 
  • Ongoing User Support: Implement a dedicated training program to ensure users are proficient and can maximize productivity through optimal use of the platform. 

Session by Melinda Schaller, Communications, Culture & Capabilities Lead at Syngenta Group. 

I am a skilled IT product lead and digital transformation expert with a passion for unlocking productivity potential through cutting-edge technologies. 

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