What is DEX strategy and why is it important?
- 11/09/2024
- 09:30 to 12:00
- Microsoft Teams
Om netværksmødet
What is DEX strategy, and why is it important? Join this online networking meeting and hear Christiaan Lustig from TheDayShift talk about:
- What is digital employee experience, again?
- How does DEX relate to the digital workplace and intranet?
- Which stakeholders should you involve when working on DEX?
- How do you strategically collaborate on DEX?
Furthermore, we will share knowledge about DEX among the participants.
09.30 Welcome to the meeting
09.35 Short presentation of each member and current challenges
09.50 Knowledge sharing, input and inspiration among the participants
10.15 Break
10.30 Session: What is DEX strategy, and why is it important?
11.30 Networking and knowledge sharing among the participants
12.00 Thank you, and see you next time
Gratis prøvemøde
Tilmeld dig nedenfor eller tag fat i mødefacilitator Kurt Kragh Sørensen på Kurt@IntraTeam.dk eller tlf. +45 4018 1655, hvis du er interesseret i et gratis prøvemøde. Der er kun få ledige pladser til mødet.
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