Webinar: Using our Social Digital Workspace to turbo boost our mission and fuel growth

- 11/09/2023
- 14:30 to 15:30
- Microsoft Teams
Whether it’s a remote, hybrid or on-site team, figuring out how to host their entire people experience in a digital space can be difficult. In this session, we’ll explore how you can embrace technology to amplify your employee value proposition and create a seamless, employee experience that will help to attract, retain and motivate your people. You’ll see behind the scenes of the company on a mission to make the world a better place to work, and how Catrin Lewis uses Reward Gateway’s Engagement Platform to drive engagement, increase trust and produce positive outcomes that support leadership strategy.
Key takeaways:
- See how Reward Gateway brings their entire Employee Value Proposition to life through their digital, social workspace
- Learn the top tips to elevate engagement with your business strategy and goals
- Understand how to build a culture of psychological safety and improved mental health
Webinar with Catrin Lewis, formerly employed at Reward Gateway.
Deltag gratis
Tag fat i mødefacilitator Anette Wittenberg på tlf. 2835 1655 eller mail AW@IntraTeam.dk, hvis du er interesseret i at deltage. Der er kun få ledige pladser. OBS: Konsulenter og leverandører har ingen adgang.
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