AI governance og ejerskab
- 24/04/2024
- 09:00 to 11:30
- Microsoft Teams
Om netværksmødet
Hør om AI governance og ejerskab til dette online-netværksmøde. Andreas Ringsted fra Open Communication og Boris Nyland fra Fellowmind vil holde indlæg om emnet på dansk, selvom slides og beskrivelse er på engelsk. Andreas og Boris kommer ind på:
- AI strategy crafting:
Delve into creating a framework for AI strategy, highlighting the significance of foresight in policy-making and strategic alignment across the digital workspace. - Stakeholder management:
Engage in a dialogue about mapping out key stakeholders, determining ownership roles, and deploying a collaborative approach. - Policies and regulations
Discuss the mechanisms for embedding policy and compliance into the fabric of AI utilization, including practical steps for ensuring data integrity and adherence to regulatory standards with tools like Sensitivity Labels. - Technical deployment:
Explain how we assess data security risks based on data related to data sources and permissions and ensure that data is protected and used in compliance with data privacy regulations – and – deliver insights on how we address technical hick-ups and support users in building good practices. - Case Study – Governance Applied:
Present an example of AI governance and ownership in action, detailing the journey of managing Copilot in a corporate setting, with an emphasis on the lessons learned and best practices established.
Derudover vil der være rig mulighed for at dele viden, erfaringer og få sparring til arbejdet med AI, workflow og automatiseringer.
09.00 Velkomst og siden sidst
09.10 Kort præsentation af hver deltager og aktuelle udfordringer
09.20 Deling af erfaringer, succeser og input til aktuelle udfordringer
09.45 Pause
10.00 Temaindlæg: AI governance og ejerskab
11.00 Videndeling og netværk
11.30 Tak for i dag og på gensyn
Gratis prøvemøde
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