The power of Knowledge Management in the age of AI
- 11/03/2024
- 09:30 to 12:00
- Microsoft Teams
Om netværksmødet
Join Rebecka Isaksson, Knowledge Strategist at KnowFlow Value, in a dynamic discussion about the world of knowledge management in the age of AI. Discover how to effectively manage data, tap into tacit knowledge, and harness the cultural benefits of a holistic knowledge management approach.
- Copilot’s Challenge: Unmanaged Valuable Data
- Addressing Governance: What, How, When, Where, and With Whom We Share
- Key Elements: Search (Metadata and Taxonomy), Sensitivity Labeling (Information Security)
- Unleashing Tacit Knowledge: The Knowledge in Our Heads
- Capturing and Codifying to Make It Discoverable
- Beyond Written Knowledge: The Holistic Approach to Knowledge Management
- Positive “Side Effects” on Culture:
- Learning: Boosting Time, Efficiency, and Effectiveness
- Social Engagement: Fostering a Sense of Belonging, Loyalty, and Motivation
- Wellbeing: Enhancing Happiness, Productivity, and Quality of Work
Furthermore, we will share knowledge about Knowledge Management in general among the participants.
09.30 Welcome to the meeting
09.35 Short presentation of each member
09.50 Members help members with their challenges
10.15 Break
10.30 Theme: The power of Knowledge Management in the age of AI
11.30 Networking and knowledge sharing among the participants
12.00 Thank you, and see you next time
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