Webinar: From seven failed intranet business cases to a Step Two Gold Award within 18 months (made easy)

- 28/08/2023
- 14:30 to 15:30
- Microsoft Teams
We often hear of the need to be measure and make data driven decisions, but how do you transform that data into stories organisations care about to the point it sparks a global change programme?
RSC’s intranet, Connect, was not always destined for great things. Whilst the old intranet was a wasteland of 150,000 pieces of content, unsearchable and whose use was unmeasurable, its business purpose was nostalgic rather than effective.
The business case to replace the old site was rejected seven times and was only saved by cybersecurity vulnerabilities in the old platform. Many of you may have similar stories, but not many Step Two Gold Award winners have these humble beginnings.
Through a mixture of extensive interviewing and observation, change management techniques, UX and the encouragement to colleagues (never call them users) to be high maintenance, a site emerged which wasn’t just a set of features, but a set of stories, forged through colleague stories and journeys.
Join the RSC team as they share the techniques and approaches which worked (and didn’t work), repeatable for anyone, from the part time one person intranet team to the larger multi-disciplined groups.
In this session, we will explore pick and play change management techniques, how to pick the intranet analytics relevant to you and how to repackage those to excite your organisation, many of whom would not have cared about an intranet until they discovered they couldn’t work without it whilst ensuring your team delivers functionality your colleagues want, rather than what you want them to want.
25% of the organization now blog, we have increased employee stories eighteen fold, driven a huge rise in external sharing of our success stories and built a site shaped by the way our colleagues behave, both by what they tell us, what they show us and what they do that they don’t realise they do.
We don’t want people to leave this session and copy this, we want them to take the techniques and do something even more incredible we can all learn from.
Key takeaways:
- Learn techniques in this session you can use instantly without any formal training
- Discover how you could use your intranet to forecast the future, both for your digital workplace and your organisation
- How to consider big data within your intranet, what opportunities can this offer?
- How can spot adoption blockers before they occur?
- Why just prioritizing top tasks is not enough
Webinar med Albanne McCleave and Nigel Williams from The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Deltag gratis
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