Webinar: Human(e) Digital Connection

- 27/11/2023
- 14:00 to 15:30
- Microsoft Teams
Zoom fatigue, information overload and techno-stress – new words we all learnt during the pandemic. Technological advances and digital transformation are creating new opportunities but also new challenges. While your iPhone was upgraded just a few days ago, the last update of our human software (brain) was 200,000 years ago. In this talk Jane will look at the neuroscience and psychology to understand how to truly connect and engage with customers and employees in a digital age exploring:
- Why we react and respond differently to digitally vs face-to-face communication
- How cognitive overload and stress slows down collaboration
- Ways of building trust in a digital age
Thought provoking questions and practical ideas to understand the psychology of tech – human interaction in a digital age.
Webinar med Jane Piper, Organisational Psychologist, Pipsy GmbH.
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