Webinar: Information Architecture is the foundation for effective Knowledge Management

- 13/11/2023
- 14:30 to 15:30
- Microsoft Teams
Information architecture (IA) forms the foundation for effective knowledge management (KM) within organizations. It involves organizing, structuring, and categorizing information to facilitate navigation, retrieval, and understanding. By implementing a well-designed IA, organizations can achieve the following benefits:
- Efficient organization and categorization of knowledge assets.
- Intuitive navigation and enhanced discoverability of related information.
- Effective searchability and retrieval of relevant knowledge.
- Enrichment of knowledge assets through metadata and tagging systems.
- Scalability and adaptability to accommodate future growth and changes.
- Optimized user experience and usability, promoting user adoption and engagement.
By leveraging IA principles, organizations can optimize their KM practices, foster knowledge sharing and collaboration, and improve decision-making processes based on readily accessible and well-organized knowledge assets.
Key takeaways:
- Think like a librarian.
- Benefits of a scalable information architecture.
- How to find what you’re looking for.
Webinar med Steve Pucelik, Content AI Global Black Belt at Microsoft.
During the last 25 years I have dedicated my career to the advancement of document management using technology to make an impact on how information is organized, discovered and secured. I have an extensive background in content management, development and security. As a Content AI Global Black Belt at Microsoft, I get to blend my industry experience and depth of technical awareness to help customers solve some of their most complex problems.
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